برنامه ریزی شهری

Negin Ilaghi
The following are the creative, novel ideas generated by AhaApple using AI + brainstorming techniques + innovative techniques simultaneously:
  1. Public transportation: Implement a new system of driverless buses in the city to improve transportation efficiency
  2. Smart infrastructure: Introduce a network of sensors and cameras throughout the city to monitor traffic flow and road conditions
  3. Green spaces: Create more parks and gardens in residential areas to promote a healthier and more sustainable environment
  4. Pedestrian-friendly streets: Redesign certain streets to prioritize pedestrians and enhance the overall walking experience
  5. Waste management: Develop an innovative recycling program to reduce waste and promote a circular economy
  6. Community hubs: Establish community centers in each neighborhood for interactive activities and events
  7. Smart city app: Introduce a mobile application that provides residents with real-time updates on city services and events
  8. Bicycle infrastructure: Build more bike lanes and bike-sharing stations to encourage cycling as a mode of transportation
  9. Traffic congestion solutions: Implement smart traffic lights and intelligent traffic management algorithms to alleviate traffic congestion
  10. Urban farming: Promote rooftop gardens and vertical farming to increase access to fresh and locally sourced food
  11. Cultural preservation: Preserve historical buildings and landmarks, showcasing the city's rich heritage
  12. Eco-friendly buildings: Incentivize the construction of energy-efficient and sustainable buildings through tax breaks and other incentives
  13. Public art initiatives: Commission local artists to create public art installations throughout the city, beautifying public spaces
  14. Smart parking system: Introduce a digital platform that helps drivers find parking spots more easily and efficiently
  15. Community gardens: Encourage residents to create community gardens to promote a sense of community and self-sustainability
  16. Technology integration: Utilize Internet of Things (IoT) devices to enhance city services such as waste management and utilities
  17. Education and awareness: Launch campaigns and initiatives to educate residents about sustainable practices and promote environmentally friendly behavior
  18. Affordable housing: Develop schemes to increase the availability of affordable housing options for low-income residents
  19. Disaster resilience: Implement measures to ensure the city is well-prepared for natural disasters and other emergencies
  20. Smart surveillance: Deploy advanced surveillance systems that use AI and facial recognition to improve public safety and security